Monday, March 17, 2014

Esthetician Schools in Texas

Looking for esthetician schools in Texas? This article has this information and more. It looks at the beauty services industry of Texas and how to get an esthetician license in the state, besides giving a list of accredited esthetician schools in the state.
The south-central state of Texas is the second largest state of the United States, both by area and population. The two largest cities of Texas, Houston and San Antonio are also the fourth and seventh largest cities of the country. It is interesting to note that although Houston is often considered a desert state, only 10% of its land area is desert. As per the Census 2010, Texas had a population of 25,145,56.
Texas has an economy that is on a sound footing and it leads the country in many prominent industries including energy, petrochemicals, computer hardware, electronic goods, aerospace and biomedical. It has the second highest gross state product. The state has been the national leader in export income since 2002. Texas has a very strong agricultural base as well.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Esthetician Schools in Los Angeles

Continuing our coverage of the major cities in the United States, we now look at esthetician schools in Los Angeles. Aspiring estheticians from this city will find the information in this article useful in finding a school that fits their needs.
Los Angeles is the second most populous city in the United States after New York city. It is also one of the most prosperous regions not just in the US, but the whole world. Los Angeles, the largest city of the state is in many ways the showpiece of California. The city is rightly associated with Hollywood and this has earned it the sobriquet “The Entertainment Capital of the World.” Several celebrities, both from the film and fashion worlds are proud residents of this city. Not unexpectedly, California leads the nation in matters beauty and fashion. The personal care services industry of Los Angeles is estimated to be almost as big as New York’s and worth millions of dollars. The city’s prosperity, its several celebrity residents who shape fashion trends and a cosmopolitan population exposed to the latest in fashion and beauty are the factors that contribute to this.

Esthetician Schools in Maryland

In this post, discusses esthetician schools in Maryland. It initially gives a perspective of the personal care services sector of the state, by analyzing the main factors that shape its course. It then looks at the requirements for obtaining an esthetician license in the state. The list of esthetician schools is given in the end and this will help prospective students of esthetics in Maryland find a school that fits their requirements.
Maryland in southern US, is a major center of life sciences, biotechnological research and food production. According to the US Census 2010, the state had a population of 5,773,552 which made it the eighth smallest state in the country.

Esthetician Schools in Chicago

In this article, part of our series covering the major cities in the United States, we look at esthetician schools in Chicago. In an earlier post we covered esthetician schools in Illinois and this article largely draws upon its content. For those looking for information specific to Chicago, this will serve as a quick reckoner.
Chicago is the third most populous city in the United States after New York City and Los Angeles. As of Census 2010, it had a population of 2,695,598. It is one of the world’s top ten Global Financial Centers. The city offers very good career opportunities in the beauty and personal care services industry. Estheticians will find Chicago an excellent place to set up their practice. The city’s overall affluence and its fashion-conscious population are the major factors that favor the growth of its personal care services industry.
As with other states, esthetics is a regulated occupation in Illinois. To practice as an esthetician, you need to apply to the Illinois Division of Professional Regulation and pass the licensing examination. To apply for an esthetician license , the following requirements need to be met:

Esthetician Schools in Louisiana

We now look at esthetician schools in Louisiana in the broader context of the state’s personal care services industry. The article first analyses the factors that shape the course of the industry. It then discusses the requirements to obtain an esthetician license in Louisiana. The list of accredited esthetician schools given in the end will help aspiring estheticians in Louisiana to locate a training institution that matches their needs.
The southern state of Louisiana had a population of 4,533,372 as of the US Census 2010. New Orleans, the largest city in Louisiana had a population of 343,829 as of 2010. The state of Texas borders Louisiana on the west, Arkansas on the north, the state of Mississippi on the east and the Gulf of Mexico on the south.
The gross state product of Louisiana was $213.6 billion in 2010, putting it at the 24th position in the US. Its per capita personal income of $30,952, ranked Louisiana 41st among the states. The state’s population comprises a mix of ethnicities with African Americans, Cajuns, Creoles and Hispanics making up substantial sections of the population.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Esthetician Schools in California

This article looks at esthetician schools in California in the broader context of the state’s beauty and personal care services industry. It also discusses how to get an esthetician license in California. For prospective students of esthetics, the approved esthetician schools in California have been listed in the final section of this article.
Beauty industry experts rate California as the No.1 state for personal care services. An indication of its size is the fact that there are 142 accredited esthetician schools in California. This makes it as good a place as any to start your career a personal care service occupation. The demand for trained estheticians is expected to stay buoyant for another eight to ten years in California. California’s esthetician schools are rated among the best in the country with their advanced infrastructure and competent faculty.